Getting Proudly Productive with EarlyWorks

Every now and then I manage to escape the EarlyWorks office and visit some of our incredible services. Today I had the pleasure of visiting Proudly Productive in Booragoon, Western Australia.

Proudly Productive is a vibrant place where young adults continue to work on developing their work, social and communication skills.  They also manage to stock AND staff the Proudly Productive shop, as well being involved in community service activities like sharing their music making with nursing home residents.

During my visit today the whole PP team was being incredibly productive!

  • Mitch was working out the steps in creating the perfect plunger coffee;
  • Christian was sharing his amazing carpentry skills with one of the work experience students from Seton College;  
  • the whole PP team was cooking a healthy beef taco lunch on the outdoor stove;
  • John and Jason were adding to the frameworks in EarlyWorks.  Not surprisingly, the outcomes need to be regularly updated to reflect the developing skills of the PP team members! 

Proudly Productive owner and director Colleen can use EarlyWorks to customise the outcomes to suit her PP team members’ individual talents and needs. Each PP team member has their own program, and using the learning journey and profile, outcomes and progress can be easily tracked. PP coaches can also use photos as evidence of the amazing work being done daily by the PP team.

Thank you for having me today😊 I look forward to visiting again.

Christian sharing his amazing carpentry skills with a very keen work experience student.

Cooking up a storm in the outdoor stove.  On the menu today was a healthy gluten free beef taco. Yum!

Amazing owner and director of Proudly Productive (on the right) and yours truly (on the left).

PP coaches John and Jason updating the outcomes in EarlyWorks.

Mitch planning out the steps in creating the perfect brewed coffee.
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