Creating a Medication Authority Form
How do Parents and Guardians create a new Medication Authority Form?
Creating a New Form
Note that Medication forms can only be created by the family, not an Administrator or Educator.
If a child has been prescribed a medication that is to be administered by educators, families can create a new medication form by clicking Forms in the View dropdown menu.

A list of online forms that have previously been created for the child, including Incident Report forms, will then be displayed. To start a new medication form, click Create Medication Form.
Select ‘Medication Form’ from the Template dropdown.
A child will also need to be selected from the ‘Child’ dropdown.

Then click Save Form.
The form will then be generated, and the user can enter all relevant information. The parent/guardian will then be able to complete the General Section, which includes:
- Name of Medication
- Expiry Date of Medication
- Start Date of Medication
- End Date of Medication
- Purpose of Medication
- Time Medication was last given
- Special Instructions
- Storage Instructions
- Name of prescribing doctor
- Contact number for doctor
The user will also be able to complete the Parent/Guardian Section, which includes:
- Dosage to be given
- When required
- How it is to be given
Depending of the type of medication that has been prescribed, not every field will be relevant. The parent/guardian is only required to fill out the relevant information in the General and Parent/Guardian Sections.
At the bottom of the form, the user is required to complete the Authorisation section before the form can be saved or sent. Here the parent/guardian must also provide a signature.
On a phone, tablet or other touch-screen device, the user can enter their signature with a finger or stylus. On a computer the signature can be added using a mouse.
To change the signature, click the Reset Signature button.
Once all relevant fields have been completed, the user can save the form as a draft and make changes later by clicking the Save as Draft button at the bottom of the screen. Click the Save and Stay button to save the document and continue working on it.
To send the form to the service, click Send.
By clicking the Cancel button, the form will remain in the child’s form list with the status: New. However, any information entered in the form will not be saved.
Viewing a Medication Form
Once the form has been sent, the service will be notified that a new Medication form has been created. They will be prompted to view the form.
Families can continue to access the form via View > Online Forms.
Editing an Existing Form – Families
Medication forms will be saved as:
- New – a form has been created but no information has been entered in the form,
- Draft – a form has been created and information has been entered, however, it has not been sent to the service,
- Sent – the form has been completed by the family and has been sent to the service,
- Opened – an Educator has opened the form,
- Saved – the parent/guardian has made changes to the form and saved them but has not sent the form to the service,
- Filed – the educator has determined that the form is no longer relevant and has filed the form,
- Deleted – the form has been deleted.
A parent/guardian can edit the General and Parent/Guardian sections of the Medication Form if it has new, draft or saved status.
Once the form has been sent, the family is no longer able to make changes unless it is returned to the family by an Educator if information is missing or further clarification is required.
Updating the Last Given Date/time after the form has been sent to the service
In circumstances where a family gives a child medication after sending a Medication Authority Form to the service, EarlyWorks allows families to update the date/time the medication was last given once the form has been sent.
To update the time the medication was last given, the family:
- Selects the View > Forms menu option,
- On the relevant Medication Form row, clicks on the Update Time Last Given button,
- Updates the date/time value to the new date/time the medication was last given, and
- Clicks the Save
Administrators and relevant educators at the service will be sent a notification advising them of the updated date/time.
A log record will be displayed on the Online Forms List screen informing family and staff of the change.
Note that after the medication form has been filed by the service, families are not able to update the date/time last given. They would be required to submit a new Medication Authority Form.