Creating an Extended Family with EarlyWorks

We all want children to thrive in our service, and there is much research showing that in order for this to happen, there needs to be a positive two-way relationship between the childcare service and the family. 

In their book ‘Programme Planning for Infants and Toddlers’, Margaret Sims and Teresa Hutchins dedicate a whole chapter to ‘The Mesosystem – Partnerships with Parents: Building Communities’.  In this chapter it is made clear that the ability of a service to enhance children’s development “is conditional of the existence of a positive two-way relationship between the two settings” (home and the service). 

EarlyWorks makes it very easy to develop and nurture positive two-way relationships with families. Read on to find out how!

Sharing Programs, Observations and Journals with Families

This is really going back to the basics of EarlyWorks, but sometimes we forget the brilliance of the basics! Educators can share any observations, journals or experiences (planned activities) with families using EarlyWorks.  Families can then add their own comments to observations and journals. This is particularly important when face to face communication isn’t possible.

Daily Communications

Families are able to see all daily communications as they are added by educators: sleep times, bottle times and quantities, toileting information, menu information, and general comments.

Photo Sharing

Educators can share photos on their own, as well as including with observations, journals and comments. Families can also share photos with educators as attachments to family comments.

Document Sharing

EarlyWorks allows services to share documents, notifications, photos and videos in a variety of ways: Quick Notifications, Announcements, Child Comments, and Service Documents.

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