Not happy with your recent Assessment and Rating?
“We are working SO hard, and feel we’re providing an outstanding service, yet we can’t seem to have this reflected in our rating! Where are we going wrong?”
Sound familiar? The solution to this problem might be found in a quality improvement research project ACECQA commissioned that was carried out by Macquarie University, QUT, and ECU. The findings showed that improvement was most often attributed to:
- effective leadership,
- teamwork, and
- involvement of every educator in quality improvement strategies.
The good news is EarlyWorks makes it easy for all educators to be involved in quality improvement strategies. All educators can:
- contribute to the service’s QIP Evidence List with a click of a button,
- critically reflect on individual practice and be provided with feedback from the leadership team, and
- reflect as a team on the effectiveness of each planned experience, and the effectiveness of each program.
All educators can critically reflect individually in EarlyWorks, using the Reflections of Pedagogy, and can choose to have their reflection included in the service’s QIP Evidence List: clear evidence of every educator’s voice being heard in the quality improvement process.
Educators in each room can critically reflect as a team on the current program. Comments can be added and then responded to. Brilliant evidence of professional collaboration and teamwork!
Every educator in each room can also critically reflect on how effective the planned experiences were in achieving the intended outcomes.
All educators can contribute to the QIP Evidence List each time an observation, experience or journal is created.
EarlyWorks makes it easy to work as a team, reflect as a team AND showcase that teamwork in the Quality Improvement Plan.