What is the difference between Evaluation of Experience and Evaluation of Learning
Okay so they sound pretty similar, so what is the difference between an evaluation of learning and an evaluation of an experience?
This is a question that comes up often. The answer is pretty simple. In an evaluation of learning we are evaluating the children’s learning. So as a result of this experience what learning happened? What outcomes did the children show evidence of working towards? What developmental milestones were achieved? What progress was made? The focus is on the children and what they took from the experience.
In an evaluation of an experience, we are evaluating the actual experience, so our own performance as educators. Did this experience achieve the intended outcomes? Were there any unexpected outcomes? What parts of the experience worked? What parts didn’t work so well? What would I change if I repeated this experience? Was my planning detailed enough? Was it too detailed? The evaluation of the experience is a form of critical reflection.
The common element in the evaluation of learning and experience is that they happen AFTER or DURING the experience. They can’t happen before, because we can’t evaluate something that is yet to happen.
Where do I evaluate learning?
The evaluation of children’s learning happens in observations and journals, as this is where you are reflecting on learning that has occurred spontaneously or from a programmed experience. Outcomes and developmental milestones can be selected and commented on. Photos and videos can be added as evidence of children’s learning. To link observations to the experience being observed, click on the experience observed tab, and select the relevant experience/s.
Where do I evaluate the experience?
The evaluation of experience is documented in the ‘Evaluation of Experience’ text box in the Experience. These evaluations will then appear in the educator view of the program. When families view the program, they will not see the evaluations of experiences. These are only visible to educators.